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Renters Warehouse Primary Sponsor of the Iceberg Report

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Renters Warehouse, one of America's largest property management companies and leaders in SFR investing, announced today that it is a primary sponsor of the first of its kind, Iceberg Report. Released on June 13th, 2017, the Iceberg Report is the first in-depth report of the single-family real estate investor created in partnership with 2020 REI.

Currently, there are 67 million people living in single-family rentals in the United States with over one million more properties added each year. As a result of these numbers and such significant growth, single-family rentals have not only become a new form of wealth creation for Americans, they've also become the New American Dream and road to retirement. It's a concept Renters Warehouse has done an incredible job of educating people of all ages on with its trademarked term Rent Estate(tm) or real estate for the rest of us, and most recently, with its first book, Rent Estate(tm) Revolution.

"Too often people think of real estate investments as out of reach and only for the wealthy," shared Renters Warehouse CEO, Kevin Ortner. "It's simply not true and with over one million SFR properties coming into the fold every year, there's no better time to be the owner of one and discover the benefits of SFR investing. There's no other investment out there like it."

The Iceberg Report was created to help investors become further recognized as key players and contributors to the American economic well-being, while helping those same investors understand where they fit in the industry. While the vast size of the SFR market has been well documented in the past, the Iceberg Report explores areas of the industry, not yet uncovered. It removes stigmas and dated views on SFR investors as slumlords, tenants as victims, and bad rentals destroying good neighborhoods, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's shedding light on the new, wise, and educated SFR investor whose number one priority is happy tenants and well-maintained, appreciating properties that align with good business practices and positive neighborhood growth and community.

"While the SFR industry has existed for decades, its recent growth has garnered the attention of many investors, lenders and service providers, which has brought many new modern day technologies and service solutions to the space," shared Renters Warehouse's Chief Investment Officer & President of Portfolio Services, Anthony Cazazian. "Renters Warehouse has contributed to this change by creating a national platform with corporate owned offices, centralized back-office operations, and local teams in every market it operates. This unique platform provides investors with standardized services and institutional level reporting in an industry that remains extremely fragmented and has historically had a lack of consistent service levels."

Created in collaboration with Real Trends, NEXZUS Publishing Group, the Harris Poll, and 2020 REI, the Iceberg Report was designed to show the true nature of the single-family REI industry as it exists today. It examines behavior amongst various investor segments and analyzes fiscal impact and influence on the US economy. With the help of the Harris Poll, the Iceberg Report dives deep into the psyche of single-family investors nationwide, to understand why and what they invest in. It explores how and where they buy, and looks at the decision making processes involved.

To download your free copy of the Iceberg Report Executive summary, visit

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